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ICDCoder Carrousel

Accelerate medical coding with ICD10-CM and PCS


Quickly and easily search and consult ICD-10-CM codes or construct PCS codes as needed. When done store them in a notebook and check for errors.

Check all the features below


Alphabetic Index and Tabular List

Browse the Alphabetic Indexes and the Tabular List

The Index of Diseases is always available. However the Index of External Causes of Injury, the Table of Neoplasms and the Table of Drugs and Chemicals are only available with a subscription.

Search the Alphabetic Indexes 

Quickly search the available Alphabetic Indexes level by level

Links for Instructions 

When required (for instance in an "See or "See also" instruction) you can jump to a link in another reference.



User-Friendly Code Screen

Enables quick review of all of the code's notes and instructions

All Instructions in the Same Screen

Display all relevant instructions from the Code, and its Categories, Sections and Chapters.


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Medicare Code Edits

When there are Medicare Code Edits relevant to the current code they will be annotating the code, preventing errors on your coding. Hover the mouse cursor over them to get more information about them.


When there's a reference to another code in an annotation, it will presented as an hyperlink, so it can be quickly reviewed.

Navigation History

Store your coding history, enabling returning to a previous code.

Full CDC and CME data

Ships with the latest version ICD-10-CM in use plus all the previous ones.


Code Builder

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Make Your Own Procedure Code I

Make your procedure code by choosing the available characters for each axis. First pick the characters for the first 3 axis, choosing an ICD-10-PCS table.

Make Your Own Procedure Code II

Then pick the characters for the last four axis that are in the same row for the table. When a character isn't in the same row it will be disabled but selectable.

Definitions, Explanations and Includes

They are displayed for each character when available. Useful to clarify a character meaning, in particular on Root Operations or Body Parts.


Alphabetic Index

Like ICD-10-CM there's a full Alphabetic Index with procedure tables, devices and body parts.


Codes List

Store your selected codes for a patient in the notebook. In the free version they will be limited to 3, unlimited with a subscription.


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Error Checking I

When two or more codes have conflicts it will display an error or warning if (e.g.: one code being on the Excludes1 notes of another, or a Unacceptable Principal Diagnosis as one)

Error Checking II

You can also select patient characteristics, like gender or age, to check if some of the codes have any conflict with them.

Transfer Data

Copy the codes to the clipboard so you can use them in another app as text.


Only available with a subscription

Speed-up Coding 

Chose codes that you use frequently, are hard to find, or are in some way used together. They will be easy to find and use as they are displayed above the Indexes.

When selected they will be added to the notebook.


Included in the search results, so you can search them together

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Multiple codes in a Favorite

Each favorite can contain more than one code, enabling joining codes when used together .

Easy to Create

Select a code or codes in the notebook, followed by selecting "Add to Favorites" in the menu Code or after Control-clicking them.


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Easy to Change

Change the Favorite name by cliking on its title.