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Critical Nutrition

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Critical Nutrition aims to help you track the daily nutrition of your patients, monitoring calories, volume, protein, lipids, and carbohydrates.

Choose if the nutrition was continuous or in bolus, take account of interruptions, and compare the daily evolution of the patient with customizable objectives.

All this from a fully customizable list of food items, where their nutritional elements can be chosen by you.


  • Customize the food taken daily by the patient.

  • Choose, for each food, if it was taken one time or in a continuous way. For the latter choose the start time, end time and flow.

  • Get the daily and average nutritional trends of the patients, compared with their nutritional objectives. Up to 7 days in the free version, unlimited after unlocking.

  • Create new days or duplicate previous ones with their food already prefilled.

  • Follow one patient in the free version or up to an unlimited number after unlocking.

  • For each patient customize their nutritional objectives, adjusted for weight.

  • Create and customize each food with calories, volume, protein, lipids, and carbohydrates.

  • Make quick calculations about the nutritional composition of food given to a patient.

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